The Certificate of ‘European Quality Leader’ is awarded by the Competition Jury, which includes representatives from various backgrounds: scientists, company managers, consumers, representatives of non-governmental organisations (foundations, associations), journalists and marketing specialists. The jury consists of both outstanding experts, as well as ‘ordinary’ consumers. They assess the quality of products and services, their market value and compliance with the needs and expectations of customers.
The members of the Competition Jury evaluate each product individually and adopt criteria appropriate for the given type of product / service (e.g. they evaluate a food product and a training service differently, selecting the evaluation criteria appropriate for the nature and type of the product). When awarding the Certificate of ‘European Quality Leader’, we particularly take account of:
– the quality of the product / service,
– the product / service’s compatibility with the needs of consumers,
– the characteristics of the product that affect its competitiveness and distinguish it in the market.
The jury is a body:
- composed of representatives from various environments, including scientific, economic and consumer circles
- composed of experts with extensive experience in evaluating products and services from various industries
- composed of outstanding authorities and opinion leaders
- composed of objective, reliable, just and professional jurors
- enjoying prestige and trust.