Our competition
We invite your company to participate in the International Economic Competition and to win the prestigious Certificate of ‘European Quality Leader’ for the best products, services and brands available in European markets. Our certificate is an award and quality mark granted in the competition which takes place simultaneously in several European countries: Great Britain, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Poland. In this competition, we award those products, services and brands with a strong market position in their countries, distinguished by quality and modernity compared to other, competitive products.
The deadline for receiving applications for participation in this year’s competition is January 12th, 2024.
The purpose of our competition is to indicate to consumers the most valuable, interesting and recommendable products and services available on the market. The award of the Certificate of European Quality Leader’, suggests what products and brands customers should choose. Products and brands marked with our certificate are leaders in terms of quality and attractiveness for consumers. The products and brands awarded in our competition are ‘top of the top’ in their industries and market categories.
Do you want to draw the attention of customers to your product? Do you want to stand out in the market? Do you want to improve your brand’s image by referring to strengths such as high quality, modernity and uniqueness? Do you want to be part of an elite group of European market leaders? Apply for our competition and get the Certificate of ‘European Quality Leader’!
Participating in the competition is very simple:
STEP 1: A company wanting to submit its products or services to the competition fills in the application form and the competition questionnaire and sends them to us by email.
The documents are available HERE.
STEP 2: The next stage is evaluation which is carried out by the Competition Jury. The jury analyse the questionnaires, familiarise themselves with the specificity of the products and services submitted, and finally decide which of them shall be granted the Certificate of ‘European Quality Leader’.
STEP 3: All competition winners will receive the Golden Logo of ‘European Quality Leader’ by email, which they can use on the packaging of awarded products, in advertisements, on their websites and in other places to help promote the awarded products and services. In addition, the list of all brands awarded with the certificate will be available on the competition website, where every European consumer will be able to read the Competition Jury’s verdict.